

Going to to Mauritania? Here is all information you need

Find here all the information you need to plan your stay in Mauritania. We have selected best things to do on site and around, found hotels of good standing, and gathered practical tips for getting to Mauritania. In practical terms we have several maps to help you find your way.

Where to stay in Mauritania

The offer in Mauritania mainly consists of hotels and the qualitative feeling is generally rather not bad. in Mauritania from one hotel to another there are important differences : be careful at the value for money without bet on the price. Remember, if a hotel is cheaper than others, there is a good reason.

The 5-star hotels in Mauritania

In Mauritania and in the immediate vicinity there is a 5-star establishment, the Royal Suites Hotel. This is a unattractive hotel.

4-star hotels in Mauritania

A trip in Mauritania without having a 4-star hotel or more? No way. Then you have to be careful when booking : some establishments are not that great. Keep in mind that sometimes a small 3-star cozy hotel can be better than a poor 4-star hotel. Follow our advice to book the best!

You make good choice if you book at Hôtel Semiramis (one of the best option in Nouakchott), at Hotel Semiramis HMJ (a excellent establishment ) or at Casablu Hotel.

3-star hotels in Mauritania

Good options are: La Palma Hotel (one of the best choices in Nouakchott), at Hotel Dune (a rather not bad establishment) or Apparts Hotel Esma.

Questions and Answers

What is the best hotel in Mauritania? The best place to stay in Mauritania is at Royal Suites Hotel in Nouakchott.

What is the best 4 stars hotel in Mauritania? The best 4 stars hotel in Mauritania is the Hôtel Semiramis in Nouakchott.

What is the best 3 stars hotel in Mauritania? The best 3 stars hotel in Mauritania is the La Palma Hotel in Nouakchott.

How to get to Mauritania

Going to Mauritania by plane

Nouakchott Old Airport : the airport has 91 flights per week. It is served by 6 airlines that offer 6 destinations.

Well-served international destinations include:

  • Istanbul : flights operated by Turkish Airlines
  • Gran Canaria : flights operated by Binter Canarias
  • Paris : flights operated by Air France

Regional destinations with the most frequencies of flights from Nouakchott Old Airport :

  • Casablanca : flights operated by Royal Air Maroc
  • Tūnis : flights operated by

What to do in Mauritania

We advise you to visit the major tourist sites as Banc D'Arguin National Park, Diawling National Park and Hôtel Tfeila.

Natural parks in Mauritania

Among the natural parks in Mauritania and around, we recommend you to visit Banc D'Arguin National Park and Diawling National Park.

Maps of Mauritania

Localisation of Mauritania on a world map ©OpenStreetMap contributors

Regional map of Mauritania ©OpenStreetMap contributors

Detailed location map of Mauritania ©OpenStreetMap contributors

Photos of Mauritania

Discover in Mauritania